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Our Unique Team of Travel Journalists
Bonnie and Bill Neely Bonnie Neely is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and a full-time, freelance writer. Her published credits include books, hundreds of print newspaper and magazine articles, a syndicated column, TV, radio, and Internet. She and her husband Bill, who is the photographer, have over 30 years experience as travel journalists. He is a professor of English and Reading Specialist at Paris Junior College. They are owners of Real Travel Adventures International Magazine, a free monthly ezine. The couple are members of the North American Travel Journalists Association (NATJA) and spend a fourth of the year in their RV, experiencing the marvels of National Parks and Forests throughout North America. Their permanent residence is in Texas. Visit Bonnie and Bill's website Real Travel Adventures, especially their "Books and Audio Reviews." You can reach them by email by clicking here. Hans Tammemagi Hans Tammemagi is a travel, environment, and science writer. He is the author of six books (two have won prizes) and his articles have appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers across Canada including Good Times, Ottawa Life, Vancouver Sun, Winnipeg Free Press, Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, National Post and more. Hans is a member of the Travel Media Association of Canada, the Writers' Union of Canada and the Canadian Authors Association. Having been an environmental scientist, consultant and university professor, Hans lives in the idyllic Gulf Islands off the west coast of Canada near Vancouver Island where he indulges his passions for writing, sea-kayaking and old growth forests. Hans earned his doctorate degree in Australia. Neala Schwartzberg Neala Schwartzberg has followed a bit of an unusual path to become a travel writer. She started with a PhD in Psychology, specializing in child development and relationships, presenting her research on work, family and stress at professional conferences and teaching at a local college. She then wandered around a bit before turning to travel writing. In addition to being the editor of an award-winning parenting newsletter, Neala owns and publishes OffbeatTravel.com , and has just opened a spin-off site, OffbeatNewYork.com about the city she loves. She believes that travel has the ability to broaden our outlook, and increase our understanding. And she is quick to add, “It’s also great fun!” Her particular passion is historic/cultural travel, and anything that takes place near an ocean or in the southwest. Suzanne Wright
addition to being a globetrotting one-woman solo travel phenomenon,
“Wander Woman” Suzanne Wright is a consummate wordsmith.
A member of the North American Travel Journalists Association, Suzanne
is a former “Navy brat” and has been full time, freelance
writer since 2000. Based in Atlanta, she specializes in travel, food
and adventure subjects. She has contributed extensively to numerous
publications including Elite Traveler, Wine & Spirits,
Veranda, The Tennessean, Journeys, Where,
and The Wine Report. She is the travel editor of On Magazine
in Dallas and a monthly travel columnist for The Sunday Paper
in Atlanta. Depending on the week, Suzanne can be found in some of
the most exotic destinations on the planet. You can
also visit her online at www.wanderwomanonline.com. Karen Hamlin Award-winning journalist, Karen Hamlin is a native New Englander who has recently moved to the Sarasota area. Karen has also published in the Springfield Union, The Sun, Travelworld International, Experience Travel and Senior Travel, Offbeat Travel, The Big Apple Parent, The Peppertree Literary Magazine, the Los Angeles Times and Native People Magazine and is the travel columnist (“Get Up and Go!”) for Around the Ranch, a publication covering events and issues in west coast Florida. Previously, she was the travel editor for City & Suburban Magazine. Karen is currently working on a non-fiction travel book. In the past decade, her travels have taken her through most of Europe, the Caribbean, the South Pacific and the Middle East. Karen is a member of the North American Travel Journalists Association and the International Food and Travel Writers Association. Karin Leperi Karin Leperi is an award-winning writer/photographer with 2005 bylines in magazines that include Baja Traveler, Beyond the Badge, Mexico Traveler, Mississippi, Marco Polo, Maryland Life, and LowCarb Living. Her specialties include agritourism, (she is a Consultant for the International Ecotourism Society/TIES) travel, food, fitness and the environment. A member of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) and North American Travel Journalists Association (NATJA), she can be reached at travelwriter@myway.com and travelphotographer@myway.com. Published bylines/photos include travel, culture, food, lifestyle, fitness, politics and the environment. We are also pleased that Karen is Talking Travel's Agritourist specialist. Peter Flaherty Peter Flaherty is the quintessential “man for all seasons.” An historian of renown and the author of a number of books, he holds a doctorate degree from York University in Toronto. He is also a senior writer for the educational news and current affairs series CBC News in Review, and writes the weekly educational support material for Maclean's magazine, one of Canada's largest national magazines. As a world traveller and summer school teacher in Italy and Cozumel, Peter has gained a global perspective on world events and the global community. As a travel journalist he demonstrates through his work why travel journalism is one of the highest forms of public education. Carol Matthews Carol started her freelance writing business, “Blue Sky Word Creations,” in 1997, and specializes in gardening, nature and travel. Her interests have taken her across Canada and into the United States, Scotland and Mexico, where she has visited gardens, historic locations, and little known natural retreats. Carol’s writing appears in magazines and newspapers in Canada and the U.S. She is a regional columnist for Canadian Gardening, a birding columnist and feature writer for Saltscapes – Canada’s east coast magazine, the former editor of Commerce – the business journal of southwestern Nova Scotia, and has been featured on CBC radio. You can visit Carol's personal website at www3.ns.sympatico.ca/carolmatthews. Kay Fernandez Based in Ormond Beach, FL, award-winning freelance writer and editor Kay Harwell Fernandez specializes in travel writing. Whenever possible, she likes to focus on the art, cultural, historic and cuisine aspects of travel. She often covers cruises and rail trips in Europe. She also seeks out all-things chocolate wherever her travels take her. Her work has appeared in The Tennessean, The Orlando Sentinel, Chicago Tribune, AmericanStyle, Porthole cruise magazine, Destinations, ASU Travel Guide, Voyageur, Elegant Wedding, Country Business, Group Travel Planet, three inflight magazines and four cruise in-cabin publications, among dozens of others. Armed with a journalism degree, she has a 15-year background as a magazine editor for both trade and consumer magazines. She has been a full-time freelancer for several years. Raised in Orlando B.D. (before Disney), she travels the globe carrying this Mark Twain quote with her: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” Colleen Fliedner Colleen has been a professional writer for over 20 years. She has published two books and is working on her third. At one time or another, she has written just about everything including: countless newspaper and magazine articles, a screenplay option, a cable mini-series, and many other projects. Currently she writes monthly articles for the award-winning Old California Gazette, and has been a feature writer for IgoUgo.com. She has also been published in numerous media such BajaTRAVELER, France Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Massachusetts Sun, OffBeat Travel, Real Travel Adventures, and Travel World International Magazine. She is a member of the North American Travel Journalists' Association; the National Federation of Press Women; the Authors' Guild; the California Writers' Club; and Women Writing the West. Brian Matthews Brian Matthews is a career banker who has worked for the past 35 years in Atlantic Canada. He became interested in fossils about 1992, quite late in his adult life. Someone suggested he take a drive to some cliffs in Joggins, Nova Scotia to take a look at some fossilized trees at that location. After stopping in at a small private museum he proceeded to the cliffs where he indeed did see several specimens of large tree trunks fossilized in the cliffs. He began to turn over some of the rocks that are tumbled on the shores by the highest tides in the world and after finding several poor specimens, he was hooked. Gregory Monteith Gregory is a writer of novels, poems, plays and short stories. He has recently immersed himself in the field of travel writing. Since graduating from McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) with an Honours BA in History, he has backpacked through over 14 countries in Western Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Having recently returned from a year of working and travelling in China, Gregory has again returned to China where he is teaching History, Geography, and Writing at a private college in Beijing. According to Gregory, he may someday find a permanent home, but for the moment he is content, in his “restless youth,” to live his life as a citizen of the world. And he continues to be our resident intrepid traveler. Stephanie Moreland A store manager with Pier 1 Imports, a native Texan with a passion for travel, Stephanie is also a travel writer who writes unique, descriptive, and personal travel stories that take her readers to the heart of the matter. She is a member of the North American Travel Journalists Association and the Florida Freelance Writers Association. She also is a regular contributor to the Brandon-Valrico Journal in Tampa, Florida. Michelle Newman As a photojournalist, author, and accomplished designer, Michelle's primary focus and areas of interest include art, design, textiles, folk art, fashion, architectural design, galleries, costume, and the unique and indigenous crafts of a particular culture or region. As Talking Travel's “artist in residence,” she explores the realm of travel and its cultural diversity as it is represented through art;and in particular through the stories that textiles tell of a culture and civilization. Her background in both television and print allows her to translate and relay the essence of art, craft, and design through travel, thus making these theme areas accessible to the artist and the non-artist. Elle Andra-Warner Elle is a full-time author, freelance journalist, and photographer based in Thunder Bay, Ontario on the shores of Lake Superior. She specializes in travel; outdoor adventure; history and culture; business; and portraits of unique individuals. Her award-winning work appears regularly in major publications around the world, and her newspaper columns (travel and business) have been in print since 1994. She is the best-selling author of four books about Canadian history, with two more books scheduled for release in the fall 2006. The world of travel came early to Elle, living in three countries before her sixth birthday. Estonian by heritage, she was born in a post-Second World War displaced persons camp for Estonians in Eckernförde, Germany. Eventually, her family settled in Canada. (And yes, she can still speak Estonian.) Doug Eads Talking Travel and the world of travel journalism lost a dear friend and colleague when Doug Eads died suddenly on June 17, 2005. Two days before he had done his last report for Destination Worldview. Doug's close friend Linda Fasteson has also written a tribute to him. Doug Eads was the Editor of Travelworld International magazine, one of world's leading and fastest-growing Internet travel magazines. He was also a Contributing Editor for Cruise Reviews, a writing consultant for the AAA Motorist magazine, and was co-authoring a book on mature life/travel when he died. In addition he was a contributing Editor-Columnist and journalist with Senior Citizen magazine. A member of the International Food, Wine and Travel Writers Association and the Society of Professional Journalists, he was also a contributing member of the East-West Travel News Wire Service. Doug had Bachelor’s degree in World History and Psychology and a Master’s degree in Business Management and Administration. He wrote regularly for multiple travel outlets, specialized in cruise vacations and packages, and was a contributing writer to Supervisory Management and Management World. His writing credits included many publications and his articles were wire-served to more outlets than he could keep track of. Doug was also a principal member of the North American Travel Journalists Association (NATJA). Chris Elliott Chris is the show's resident travel consumer advocate. His in-depth reports on consumer issues directly related to the realities of traveling are invaluable resource material for listeners and readers. As a travel journalist Chris wears many hats, including that of National Geographic Traveler's ombudsman. He is especially skilled in providing listeners and readers with answers to the complex issues and questions related to the travel and tourism industry. More on his impressive biography and special talents can be seen on his website. We are also fortunate that from time to time in his Talking Travel segment, Chris takes us to specific destinations and gives us a unique consumer advocacy and worldview perspective in his report. Johnny Jet A bi-weekly contributor to Talking Travel, Johnny Jet is one of the most experienced and travelled journalists in the United States. Not only is he a man about the world, he is also one of the most eclectic travel information providers you could meet. If you need to know about it ("it" being wherever you are planning on going) Johnny probably has been there and has the answer for you — if not a direct contact. For travel trips, and more on Johnny and his life on the go, visit his "Ultimate Travel Website!" by clicking on the preceding link. Johnny is also one of the most personable travel companions you could ever wish to be with. His personal and people-friendly travel writing style has won the hearts and minds of untold readers and listeners. For more on the inimitable Johnny Jet, see additional biographical information on his website. Bob Fisher Bob is a freelance Canadian travel journalist, a retired high school teacher, and former marketing manager at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC), a member the North American Travel Journalists Association (NATJA), and a member of the World Federation of Journalists and Travel Writers (FIJET). He writes in-depth, conceptual travel articles that explore the aesthetic and universal layers of meaning inherent in a destination. Bob is the Associate Producer of Talking Travel and Editor of Talking Travel's Webmagazine.You can visit his personal website at www.bobfisher.ca Technical Advisor: Desmond Grundy Desmond operates his own Internet radio show dedicated to indie bands. As a musician himself and avant-garde media producer, he is part of the growing new wave of electronic media that are changing the face of this industry across the planet. Visit his website:
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